Somewhere Between Sleep and Awake
...the digital diary of my amazing roman holiday
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Hey There!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
London Calling
The next day, we meet Caitlin, Christine, and Keiran at our hostel. It was so
On Saturday, we got a late start and went to Portobello Market first. You remember Portobello Road...there is a song about it in Bednobs and Broomsticks...
...which I of course could not stop singing. It really was so cool! After that, we got some tea and went to the Museum of Everything, which was strange but exactly the kind of thing my friends would love. It was basically a collection of circus paraphernalia, creepy dolls and taxidermed animals. One display had all stuffed squirels doing things, like playing poker and getting in fights. So strange! But also kind of cool. Then, we met up with Brittany, Debbie, Scott, and his friend Red. They are from TU Rome and happened to be in London at the same time. We met at Buckingham Palace, where we took a few pictures before getting food at another pub. Then, we went to this huge Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. It had rides and shops and ample mulled wine, which of course means that I loved it.
After that, we went back to their flat and chilled for a bit before going home to for short naps before heading to the airport at 2am to wing our way back to the Eternal City. London was awesome. I loved the general atmosphere of the city. I seems that every city I visit gives me a new place that I want to live after graduating college. Now, London has moved up to my number one. Cheers!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy as a Dane in Barcelona
After be dropped our stuff off in the room, Beth and I went exploring. We went to a little cafe and got some food before walking down one of the main streets, La Rambla. It was really touristy and filled with shops and street performers. I thought the living statures in Rome were impressive, but the ones in Barcelona are crazy and very elaborate. Anyway, we walked down La Rambla to the water, and sat a bridge, soaking in the sun for a while. It was beautiful! Across the water, we could see mountains with sky car going to the top. There were people everywhere sitting and lounging in the sun.
After a while, we decided to move on. We walked across the bridge and found a mall, in which we saw a poster for a horror film festival. One show, called "Dead Set" was playing that night in the parking garage under the mall. Beth is a huge horror fan, so we decided to go before exploring the Barcelona nightlife. After that, we decided it would be a nice time for a nap, so we went back to the hostel until it was time to go to the movie.
When we awoke from our naps, we met our roommates. They were friends from California, and they were definitely the coolest roommates we had had yet. One of them looked and acted exactly like one of our friends at TURome. But anyway, we made our way back to the mall and down to the garage for the movie. It turned out that it was a British zombie mini series dubbed in Spanish. Neither of us speak Spanish, but we figured zombies movies are easy to understand regardless of language. And we were right. It was awesome! It was kind of scary and super funny. We plan to find it in English asap. Than we were walking on La Rambla, looking for something to do when a woman conveniently came up to us, offering a pub crawl. We eagerly accepted. It began at an empty sports bar, and progressed to another empty bar. Enter, the Danes. The Danes were two boys from Denmark -- Baby Dane (because he looked like he was 16) and Obelisk Dane (because he was the size and shape of an obelisk). We talked to them for a while and thought that they were cool until that started telling us about how awesome Denmark is. "Have you ever heard the phrase 'Happy as a Dane?' Yeah, well we are all really happy. We get off the first of every month to celebrate being from Denmark..." Yeah, not so great Danes....After that, we went to a club called Catwalk and danced for a long time. Then back to the hostel around 4...

That night, we went to get paella. It was really good! Then, we met up with our roommates and went to an Irish bar. After a while there, we went to another Irish bar, before moving on to a club called Boardwalk. We stayed there all night and danced with several different people, including guys from Canada, Germany, and my favorite, Finland. It was quite an international experience. Then back to the hostel at 5...

We were flying back to Rome the next day, but unlike every other travel day, our flight was not until the evening, so we had the day to spend in the city. First, we went to La Sagrada Familia. It is a church, also designed by Gaudi, that looks like a huge sandcastle. It would have been so cool to go in, but the line was so long that we didn't think we would get out in time, so we just took pictures outside. Then, we explored the city a little more, then went to the airport and flew back to Rome.
Thank you Barcelona....
Monday, October 25, 2010
I Was Gonna Go to Class, but then I...Went to Amsterdam

The next day, we met this women in the cafeteria during breakfast who gave us a bunch of recommendations for good museums. First, we went to the Jewish Heritage Museum, which was really interesting, then we went to the Anne Frank House. On the way, we stopped at this really old pre-WWII movie theater. All the wood was engraved and gorgeous. The Anne Frank House was obviously depressing. The most haunting thing was seeing the piece of wallpaper still marked in pencil where the kids' growth was measured. The museum was also really inspiring. At the end there was a section about Anne's father Otto Frank who started the museum and was the only one in hiding to have survived the war. This section said that the museum was not only about Anne, nor was it all about the Holocaust. He started it t

From the Anne Frank House, we got some food, some more apple pie and went to a Jazz Cafe. We had tried to go to a Jazz Cafe in Rome, but it turned out just to be a pizzeria with a trumpet mounted on the wall. This one was different. It was a real Jazz Cafe with a live band and Beth were front row. It was awesome!
Next stop -- Barcelona....
Paris, je t'aime
When we landed, we quickly learned that Paris is freezing this time of year, especially compared to Rome. So, after taking a bus into the city and getting food, our first stop was the Gap for some more weather sensible clothes. Then, we headed to our hostel, the Oops! Hostel on Les Gobelins. It was super cute and trendy, but we couldn't get into our room because of cleaning, so we ditched our bags and went exploring. Our friend had spent a month in Paris over the summer and gave us a long list of recommendations, including the Shakespeare & Co Bookstore behind Notre Dame. Notre Dame was beautiful. The line was really long and we were still adjusting to the cold, so we didn't go in, but the facade was amazing.
After walking around for a while, we found the bookstore. It was the adorable! The downstairs was new and secondhand books of every genre. They also had quite the Shakespeare collection. The upstairs was mostly books that were not for sale but could be read at the store in one of the many comfy chairs. The main room upstairs looked like an old scholar's living room, with worn comfy chairs and the sun shining in. Upstairs, there was also a little writing nook where visitors had written comments and insights and posted them on the walls. The entire place was idyllic, right down to one customer playing piano while others read intently.
From the bookstore, we went back to the hostel and napped for a while, having gotten up at 4:00 that morning. When we got up, it was the perfect time for dinner, so we went to the area around the Bastille and finally landed on a restaurant, where I got awesome French Onion Soup. We also got some wine and learned that the sommelier who had come to school was right -- French wine is better than Italian wine. From there, we went to a bar for a couple after-dinner drinks. There, we met a couple of Parisians that talked to us about our trip. They welcomed us to France and even gave us a recommendation for a good ribs place in Amsterdam!
The next day, we did the tourist stuff. Our first stop was the Eiffel Tower! The line to ride up was ridiculously long, so Beth urged me to take the stairs with her. And I'm so glad she did because it was much more fulfilling to walk up. So, we climbed and climbed and made it two thirds of the way up. It was more money to go to the top, so we just took out photos from the second tier. It was amazing! I found myself unconsciously smiling, just because I could believe I was atop the Eiffel Tower. Another thing checked off my bucket list....
After the Louvre, we went another suggestion on our friend’s list: Angelina for macaroons and hot chocolate. It actually turned out to be a really classy expensive restaurant, but that was okay because Iwejust wanted dessert. We split coffee, strawberry/pistachio, chocolate/raspberry, and mont blanc macaroons and a pot of hot chocolate. The hot chocolate was amazing! It was like melted chocolate in a cup reminiscent what I think of the hot chocolate in Chocolat. Incredible!
That night we just wanted to relax, so we went to see The Social Network. It was in English with French subtitles. It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Beth and I both really liked it. From there we went back to Oops, since we would have to get up at 5am to begin the next leg of our journey….
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Mambo Napoletano
Three hours later, we were in the heart of Naples. This is where we met our teacher. Though from the United States originally, she married a Neapolitan and lives in Sorrento, so she knows the city inside and out. Over the course of the trip, she gave us a few tip and tidbits. I think they were supposed to be interesting...
1. "Naples is at the base of Vesuvius. It's the most dangerous kind of volcano because it could erupt at anytime. There was an earthquake in 1980, so they think it will erupt really soon."
2. "While walking, we are going to avoid dark alleys. There is not as much random crime here, but there are tensions between the local mafias and you could get caught in between."
3. "Later, we're going to go to Spaca Napoli. It's the street that splits Naples in half. Real Neapolitans, like the bus driver, they don't even go there because they're too scared. But, we're going to go!" AWESOME!
So, first, we went to the Capodimonte Museum. It's a former palace on top of one of the hills of Naples. There, we saw some masterpieces from the Baroque and the Renaissance. The Museum was in park, and apparently there were school funding cuts, so all the children of Naples were striking, so there were kids everywhere. There must have been ten different soccer games going on, with little boys arguing about the score. It was pretty cool. I think I liked the atmosphere of the park more than the actual museum, although the paintings were awesome too, especially Titian's Danae.
Then, we went to a monastery on another hill of the city. From the terrace, there was an amazing view of the city with with Sorrento and Capri visible in the distance. There was some nice art there too.

Those two museums took all day, so we didn't get to the hotel until around 6. We were all exhausted and starving, so we joined our teacher for some authentic Neapolitan food at a little hole-in-the-wall. The food was awesome! I got prosciutto and mozzarella to start and

Then I went back to my room and basically passed out. The next morning, we got free breakfast at the hotel. It was American style -- cereal, big cups of coffee, juice, and rolls with butter. It was so good! From there, we walked to the Cathedral. The Cathedral is dedicated to Saint Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples. Most of the church is Gothic and kind of cold, but the chapel is a burst of color and light. There is silver all over the place, including silver busts of saints with relics inside. There is also an illusionistic dome by Lanfranco and several oil paintings by Domenichino. Now, here is some of the story behind the chapel....
So, they wanted to decorate this chapel, which was dedicated to the patron saint of Naples (who isn't even recognized by the Catholic Church, but Neapolitan are still devoted to him because they really just do what they want), so it had to be nice. At the time, Naples was under Spanish control, so it was not Italy. At first, the Cathedral Committee asked two Neapolitan artists to do the dome, but they didn't like the work and ended up scraping it off and hiring Lanfranco. Lanfranco was from Parma, in the north of Italy, so it ruffled a few feathers that he should be able to do this dome. But he was chummy with the Spanish viceroy, so he was protected. Domenichino, who was also a foreigner, however, was not so lucky. He was commissioned to do about six oil paintings. During his time in Naples, he received tons of threats against his life. Eventually, he got fed up and left, his work unfinished. The Cathedral Committee was pissed and the Spanish viceroy abducted Domenichino's wife to get him back to
Then we walked dow

After we got some time to shop, we headed to a famous pizzeria for some real Neapolitan pizza. Delish! Lunch was followed by some more museums and art. I really did pay attention, take notes, and find it interesting, but there was just so much that I can't recount every painting we saw. Around 5:30, we got back on the bus and headed back to Rome.
It liked Naples. In many ways, I think that when people think of typical or stereotypical Italians, they inadvertently think of Naples. That's where Italians argue all the time, have to deal with the Mafia, and little old women sit outside shops and cut vegetables. It was completely different from Rome, and I found it fascinating. The Neapolitan have a very different mindset than the rest of Italy. I would really like to go back sometime, just maybe not for class...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sleeper Trains, Gondolas, and TU Hogwarts

We woke up in the afternoon, ready to explore Venice some more. Here are some things you should know about Venice. Venice is famous because its comprised of several islands connected by canals, but you knew that already. The city is also famous for blown glass, lace, and Carnival. Carnival is the Venetian celebration of Mardi Gras and traditionally, the festivities include masquerades, so Venice is lousy with mask shops. This was my favorite part of the trip because the masks are amazing! The simply ones just cover the eyes and have some sparkles and designs on them. The more elaborate ones include feathers, lace, gems, and head pieces. The really traditional ones have long comical noses. They were everywhere -- like I <3 NY t-shirts in Times Square. Every once in while, we would go in a shop and the proprietor would be hand painting or carving a mask. It was so cool!
After having lunch and watching some cute Venetian children play tag in the square, we headed to Piazza San Marco. It was kind of far from where we were staying, but we eventually made it. Naturally, on the way, we did some shopping.

By the time we got to San Marco, it was dark, but the square was still alive. All the lights were on, so it was gorgeous. And, as if that weren't perfect enough, two orchestras were playing opposite each other for restaurant patrons and tourists. We got some gelato and enjoyed the evening.
After that, we strolled, got McDonalds (the only one in Venice) for dinner and made our back to the cabin. In the morning we said arrivederci to our quaint cottage and went out to look for breakfast. We'd intended to go to the same little bakery, but, thanks to confusing Venetian city planning, were unable to find it, so we went to an equally lovely

We got back to Rome around 7am. From the train station, Jimmy, Beth, and I went straight to the Sunday flea market at Porta Portese. It was awesome! There were rows of stands as far as the eye could see. I bought a bomber jacket, batteries, and two scarves all for a sensible 17 Euros. Beth even got a chance to haggle and got a euro off her hat. I was so proud. The flea market was followed by a coma-like sleep and homework.
Awesome, awesome weekend...